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Turitea call-in questioned .
By KATIE CHAPMAN - Manawatu Standard
Environment Minister Nick Smith's decision to call-in the Turitea Wind Farm proposal is being questioned after official documents revealed the proposal failed to meet most of the criteria.
In December last year, Dr Smith called-in Mighty River Power's consent application because it was "nationally significant".
But information obtained by the Manawatu Standard under the Official Information Act undermines Dr Smith's reasoning.
The documents reveal the Kyoto Protocol was used to justify the call-in of the Turitea Wind Farm after it failed to meet other national significance criteria. And Dr Smith said the decision to call-in the application was "consistent" with changes he plans to make to the Resource Management Act.
The documents include a list of criteria for national significance, with an Environment Ministry staff assessment of how the Turitea project rates.
The breakdown was given to Dr Smith before he made his decision, and shows the project fits only two of the eight criteria: that it is in more than one district, and it is "likely to affect, or is relevant to New Zealand's international obligations to the global environment".
In most other categories staff judged the Turitea Wind Farm to be locally but not nationally significant.
Palmerston North Mayor Jono Naylor said the ministry's report reinforced what the council had argued since the call-in issue was first raised it was a local issue that should be decided locally.
"The Ministry for the Environment staff, in that report, are merely confirming what we've been saying all along."
The decision to call the project in was a political one, motivated by the National Government's push to change the RMA, he said.
"I don't question for a moment that we are the guinea pigs for this process.
"The new government ... has said before the election they were going to bring legislative changes to the Resource Management Act. This was an opportunity for them to try out their new process."
Dr Smith is out of the country and was unable to be contacted yesterday.
But, in a memorandum to Cabinet informing it of his intention to call-in the project, he said the decision was motivated by the RMA changes.
"The call-in is consistent with my intention to amend the RMA to provide for priority consents for larger-scale infrastructure."
A spokesman for Dr Smith said call-ins were at the minister's discretion, and only he could explain his decision-making process.
Note: This is a total disgrace. The minister has joined in a conspiracy against the city.
This is a world first, a city, its water supply, its last remaining bush reserve with rare and endangered native
fauna and flora, its skyline, property and amenity values, indeed its very future, sacrificed to the god of global
Kyoto has been an abject failure and a pointless exercise as the planet continues to cool after what has turned out to be a mild, cyclical warming. Would Smith be willing to sacrifice Nelson city in this way? Not on your life. The tofu munching greenies down there would string him up on the cathedral steps.
And where is Simon Power, Minister for SOE's and MP for the Turitea area ? Is he toadying to Smith or a partner in this conspiracy against the city ? Could it be that this whole call-in process was a ploy to get the ball rolling for the changes they planned to the RMA? Steve Maharey , who has privately stated his opposition to the Turitea wind farm, didn't raise any objections in public. Is it that he didn't want to jeopardise his exit from politics to his uber high paying position at Massey University?

After lying about his reasons for calling inSee the 4th comment in this post for the story in the Manawatu Standard, or click this link:
the Turitea wind farm Smith finally comes clean, 29/4/09. Its all about Kyoto (meanwhile the price of carbon is collapsing along with the global economy). The city's future is to be carbonised on the say so of just one person. No government here has kept the Treaty of Waitangi but this government
will ride roughshod over anyone in its way to suck up to a deeply flawed treaty which basically declares war on a New Zealand community. This is the penultimate chapter in a process riddled with corruption. The Board of Enquiry has been appointed by Smith to get the job done. Let's see if they have what it takes to stand up to him. Will this turn out to be a latter day version of a 1930's Stalinist show trial, where anyone who opposes "The People's Wind Farm" is an "enemy of the people?" Lets hope not, but the Minister for Destroying the Environment has set the scene by removing fundamental democratic checks and balances.
No wind farm in New Zealand has ever had a cost/benefit analysis done. The curbs on CO2 emissions through the ETS, if enacted in New Zealand "might" have an impact on temperatures of just one ten thousandth of a degree celsius, cripple the country's economy and add a punitive annual imposition on each NZ household of approximately $2,500. ( Professor Bob Carter in evidence given to the select committee reviewing the ETS)
Temperatures are continuing to drop. This image is from Professor Ian Plimer's book Heaven and Earth published by Connor Court.Plimer is emeritus professor of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne. His book, just published, is flying off the shelves. For a video interview click here.

Environment Minister Smith may buy into global warming hysteria but the public doesn't. Global warming ranks dead last.

Wind farms will devastate the countryside pointlessly. James Lovelock
Journalist and author Ian Wishart's new book is titled Air Con and argues that man made climate change is in fact a myth.

Video interview here,
and here.
NewsTalk ZB Recommending Air Con.
18 /2 / 2009
It's all right folks ,
we're here to "help."
See the second comment below for the editorial in the Manawatu Standard. 24/4/09
Our neighbours across the ditch are waking up. Click either this link or read the third comment in this post.
Intriguing differences between glaciers in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. New Zealand researchers are undermining climate alarmism. 2/4/09. See the 5th comment in this post.
So how much carbon can you actually save ?( if that is an issue for you ). Click this link to find out the truth.
Green jobs? Be careful what you wish for. The only beneficiaries are the "rent seekers." A billion dollars, destroying the eastern section of the city, will result in just 10-15 permanent jobs.
Comment number 6 in this post is a review from the Australian of Professor Plimer's land mark book exposing global warming for what it is, a mass delusional scam whose time is up.
See comments 7,8 and 9 in this post where a professional, Sean Cox, shreds the noise evidence of shills for the wind farm industry, Black and Hegley.
or go here.
Comments 10 and 11 examine the behaviour of the climate industrial complex acting as "rent seekers" doing their utmost to profit from climate alarmism. The article is from the Wall Street Journal , May 22, 2009, which can also be accessed here.